We are able to deliver the following type of breeding animals:
- Open heifers – heifers aged 3-12 months
- Low pregnant heifers – heifers 2-6 months pregnant
- Milking cows – fresh cows in the start of a lactation
- Herds – complete herds of Holstein, VikingRed and Jersey
- Embryos
VikingGenetics are specialists in producing semen, therefore it is possible to find pregnant heifers in Denmark, who are inseminated with sexed semen or semen with other special traits.

VikingLivestock collaborates with VikingGenetics, and together we are able to give you the best advice in the selection of cattle and semen. Genetics which will fit in your production. When breeding animals are delivered by VkingLivestock, we always provide you with a mating plan for the next generation of top genetic animals. VikingGenetics have daughter companies in many countries and distributors all over the world, therefore we are sure you have access to top genetics as we have here in Denmark.
In Denmark our cows are among the highest producing in the world. This of course starts with the best genetics, but it also needs the best farmers and top management of the cows. For generations the Danish system are build up by farmers and their coops. The farmers own the different coops and the specialist of the coops help the farmers to reach top production and the most value for the farmer. VikingDanmark is a typic farmer coop, and we can advise you and help you to introduce Danish standards in your production.
VikingLivestock can offer a solution that includes counseling from some of our many specialists:
- Veterinarians specialized in reproduction
- Breeding advisors
- Technicians
- SimHerd specialists
We can offer:
- Matingplans for your herd
- Education of your Farm managers
- Danish specialists visiting your herd
- Danish herdsmen working in your herd for a period. Helping you to implant Danish standards